Welcome to Erika Nozawa's Home Page !Last updated: Thu., Feb. 13, 2025

I study complex natural phenomena by using Coupled Map Lattice (CML), a powerful constructive approach with elementary processes. I have proposed some CMLs for simulating food chains, and astronomical patterns. Now I'm constructing a CML for the complex behavior of food colloids which is ordinally observed in everyday cooking (processes) --- especially phase inversion phenomena from fresh cream (O/W emulsion) to butter (W/O emulsion) by whipping --- in order to find out the essence of the "deliciousness" (that is, the texture formation dynamics) from physical viewpoints. From now on, my challenge is not limited to food, but will also be to complex systems approaches towards the development of polymeric and organic materials, which function and adapt in diverse situations through their interfacial design.

Show past information.
Fri., Apr. 1, 2022
I have been appointed as a Research Fellow of Ochanomizu University.
Thu., Dec. 17, 2020
I made an oral presentation online at the 18th International Congress on Rheology.
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